Thursday 28 November 2013

shia youth lost young power full voice mesum abbas died in car acsidant last night

cnn news  news jersey 28 nov 2013
the shia mulims  youth icon in news jersey  syed mesum abbas naqvi is died in car acsidant last night at benson road
the most iconic  noha khwan of shia muslim in u s a  mesub abbas now  no more
Mesum Abbas, as he is known professionally, is 23 and something of a prodigy in the world of Shiite Islam. Since the age of 2, he has been a reciter of nauhas, the ritual lamentations that accompany Shiite devotions around two holy days of the faith, Ashura and Arbaeen, which is marked this weekend.

His cassettes, CD's and DVD's sell all across his family's native land, Pakistan, where 20 percent of the population of 140 million is Shiite. Mesum is also in demand for live performances at Shiite mosques in New Jersey, New York and elsewhere in the United States but sadly last night mesum abbas  going to his home after a mazlish at  murtza mosque , at night 4:53 am  he drive his car than in banson  road .he lost his control on steering wheel tha his car going to wrong way and  and samesh with the tree at the road side his car speed is 110 k par r  that time   after his car samesh with tree  mesum is dead  this time police van and abulence  take mesum at hospital but dr said mesum have no more ,,its so sad and bad news for  shia muslim and specially for shia youth in new jersey  shia youth lost power full young voice , mesum,s famley is also in karachi pakistan  thay also come today at  news jersey by air  for  burial ceremony of mesum abbas after friday namaz

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